Hot bottarga sauce applies to the “linguine alla bottarga” recipe, featured in the pasta section of the website
First and foremost, before you attempt this version, have a look at the basic “Linguine alla bottarga” recipe, featured in the pasta section of the webiste. For carrying out this version, to the ingredients listed in the basic recipe, add the following:
- 1 Red chilli, dried or fresh (chopped)
- 2 Anchovy fillets
- 1 tablespoon of tomato puree
- These are Imperial and Metric measurements. U.S measurements available at
Nutrition facts: Calories 650 per serving.

Put 60 ml (4 tablespoons) of olive oil into the pan, heat the oil over a gentle heat and add one clove of garlic (cut in slices), and one red chilli (chopped) into the pan.

Sweat off until the garlic turns golden in colour, then remove it from the pan and discard it. Straight after removing the garlic add a couple of anchovy fillets and break them down with a wooden spoon until they melt.

Next, add a heaped tablespoon of tomato puree.

Stir to mix everything evenly.

Next, move the pan away from the heat and add 2/3 of the grated cod roe into the pan.

Add a couple of spoonfuls of the boiling water you are using to boil your pasta and then stir to make a creamy mix.

Add 2/3 of the parsley into the pan.

Give it a good stir.

Now, your sauce is ready. Wait for the pasta to be perfectly cooked al dente and continue in the same way as it is explained in the “Linguine alla bottarga” recipe.