Italian recipes

Have you ever wondered why your attempts at cooking Italian food never look like the pictures in glossy recipe books? Ever bemoaned the fact that Italian restaurants sometimes have the ability to turn mouth-watering dishes into soggy pasta failures? If so, you are not alone.
Federico never wanted to become a chef. As a native of Italy, food was far too important to be considered a mere job. It was a way of life. Whether it was helping his mother or grandmother in the kitchen, following Uncle Vittorio through the market or spending time with his cousins in the south, Federico was learning
He was learning that good food is about passion, learning that the heart of every home is the kitchen and learning that making fantastic food needn’t be complicated or expensive. You can learn all the same things.
Every recipe has step by step guides with photos to keep you on track. Every single thing that goes to make up a perfect meal is broken down into easy to follow stages so that, before you are half way through, the voice of Federico will be ringing in your ears “Don’t think……Cook!”
It’s not just the kitchen that gets the Italyum treatment. The tricks of how to get the best from supermarket shelves, and butcher, greengrocer and fishmonger shopping are all covered.
Whether it is a family feast, a late night snack or a romantic meal for two, Italyum can make everything work out fine. All you need is the desire to eat great food and a bit of spare time to make it. We provide the skills and the recipes, you provide the pots and pans. Great Italian food is not about which “celebrity” chef has managed to catch your attention this week. It’s about good ingredients, a straightforward recipe, a dash of passion and a willingness to enjoy life. The next time you’re tempted to go out for an “Italian”, stay in instead. A bit of preparation, a step by step guide and you’ll find that home is the best Trattoria in town.