Fish Stew recipe

Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes

Fish Stew (Ciuppin)

This recipe is similar to the "ciuppin", the fish stew from the Liguria region of Italy. I have made it using only one type of fish, to make it simple. The ciuppin has to be brothy and the suggestion is to eat it with some slices of toasted country bread. The original ciuppin recipe differs from this one only in the fact that different type of fish are used together, so feel free to add whatever you like if you want this fish stew more consistent.
*First and foremost, before you start cooking, be sure that the first thing you do is prepare the stock so that is readily available when required.
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Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian
Servings 4
Calories 650 kcal

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  • 4 Red Gurnard, weighting about 200 g (7 oz) each Red gurnard do not have scales so there is no need of scraping their body with a knife. Just gut the fish and rinse thoroughly under fresh water. Cut off and discard all the fins.
  • 60 ml (2 oz) Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 Carrot (finely Chopped)
  • 1 Clove of garlic (finely chopped)
  • 150 ml (1/4 pint) White wine (about a glass)
  • 450 grams (1 lb) Chopped tomatoes (usually 1 can)
  • 1.5 litres ( 2 1/2 pints) Very light fish stock (dissolve 1 stock cube in 1.5 litres of hot water)*
  • A Hanful of flat leaf parsley (roughly chopped)
  • Salt and ground black pepper for seasoning
  • Slices of Italian country bread, grilled and brushed with garlic


  • Put the olive oil into a large sautĂ© pan casserole and heat the oil over medium heat.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Add the chopped vegetables (onion, carrot, celery and garlic) into the casserole.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Stir and sweat them off until the onion become golden in colour.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Then, add the white wine, stir and let it evaporate (it probably takes a couple of minutes).
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Next, add the chopped tomatoes.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Stir and cook for 5 minutes.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Then, add 1.5 litres (6 1/4 cups) of light stock and continue cooking for 15 minutes over low/medium heat.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Next, season with salt and black pepper and…
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • …add the fish into the casserole.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Simmer for about 15 minutes and avoid stirring because this may break the fish up.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • After 15 minutes, gently remove the fish from the pan using a slotted spoon. Meanwhile keep cooking the rest of the contents in the casserole.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • A bit of surgery here! Remove the main chunks from the fish, put them into a small bowl and set aside.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • All the fish bone and fins go back into the casserole. Simmer for 10 minutes, then…
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • …pass all the casserole contents into the food mill (Mouli).
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • The food mill should be positioned over a second pan, usually a saucepan, which will collect all the liquid (soup). All the bones and hard bits remanining into the mill have to be discarded.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Here, we should have a lovely boneless fish soup. Meanwhile you have put the saucepan over a low heat. Check the seasoning and add salt and black pepper according to your taste.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Add the fish chunks you previously set aside. At this stage, if you want more fish, you can add some prawns or scallops.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Simmer for 5 minutes.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Add the parsley (roughly chopped flat leaf parsley).
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes
  • Serve it accompanied with slices of grilled country bread.
    Fish Stew (Ciuppin) | Seafood recipes


Calories: 650kcal
Keyword Seafood
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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By Federico

Federico Pezzaioli is an ex-badass Italian Paratrooper on a mission - to make creating delicious authentic Italian food really easy. He researches, writes and photographs each recipe with the same attention to detail he used to apply to packing his parachute.

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